ActionPix covers 4-types of Gymnastics Events in Ontario: WAG OCP Invitational Competitions & Qualifiers, WAG OCP Tour Selections & Championships, ODP Level Events, and MAG Tour Selections & Finals

Please select your Event Type for our Price List:

ActionPix Price List: WAG Invitational Competitions & Qualifiers, Coverage of 3-routines: floor exercise, balance beam, and uneven bars. Vault routine is not covered

Early-Bird - Photos & Videos
- Purchased online prior to event
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 100+ high resolution photos
- 3- HD resolution video files
- FREE USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth
- Credit Card. Secure Online Payment
Early-Bird - Photos Only
- Purchased online prior to event
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 100+ high resolution photos
- FREE USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth
- Credit Card. Secure Online Payment
Early-Bird - Videos Only
- Purchased online prior to event
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 3- HD resolution video files
- FREE USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth
- Credit Card. Secure Online Payment

Photos & Videos. Purchased Prior to Event
- Purchased at Sales Booth
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 100+ high resolution photos
- 3- HD resolution video files
- On USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth
- Cash, Credit Card or Debit Card
Photos. Purchased Prior to Event
- Purchased at Sales Booth
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 100+ high resolution photos
- On USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth
- Cash, Credit Card or Debit Card
Videos. Purchased Prior to Event
- Purchased at Sales Booth
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 3- HD resolution video files
- On USB Stick
- Pick up at Booth
- Cash, Credit Card or Debit Card

Photos & Videos. Photos & Videos. Championships. After Event - Booth or Online
- Purchased ant Sales Booth or online
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 100+ high resolution photos
- 3- HD resolution video files
- Order ready ASAP
- WeTransfer Link provided via email
- Download high-rez files to your phone, device or computer
- Debit Card or Credit Card
Photos. Online - After Event - Booth or Online
- Purchased at Sales Booth or online
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 100+ high resolution photos
- Order ready ASAP
- WeTransfer Link provided via email
- Download high-rez files to your phone, device or computer
- Debit Card or Credit Card
Videos. Online - After Event - Booth or Online
- Purchased at Sales Booth or online
- Coverage of 3-routines (No vault)
- 3- HD resolution video files
- Order ready ASAP
- WeTransfer Link provided via email
- Download high-rez files to your phone, device or computer
- Debit Card or Credit Card

Post-Event Gallery
- Requested made online (Parents ONLY)
- Use the Contact Us Form
- We create a private low-resolution thumbnail Image Gallery
- Coverage of 3-routines
- 100+ photos available
- 3- videos available (no previews)
- If you decide to purchase, Final Order Link is made available
- Download direct to your computer
- ActionPix Regular Price is applies to Photos and Videos Ordered
- Credit Card. Secure online

ActionPix Price List: WAG Tour Selections & Championships Coverage of 4-routines: floor exercise, balance beam, uneven bars, and vault

Early-Bird - Photos & Videos. Championships
- Purchased online prior to event
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 100+ high resolution photos
- 4- High Definition video files
- FREE USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth or WeTransfer download
- Credit Card. Secure Online Payment
Early-Bird - Photos Only. Championships
- Purchased online prior to event
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 100+ high resolution photos
- FREE USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth or WeTransfer download
- Credit Card. Secure Online Payment
Early-Bird - Videos Only. Championships
- Purchased online prior to event
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 4- HD resolution video files
- FREE USB Flash Drive
- Pick up at Booth or WeTransfer download
- Credit Card. Secure Online Payment

Photos & Videos. Championships. Purchased Prior to Event Start
- Purchased at Sales Booth
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 100+ high resolution photos
- 4- High Definition video files
- On USB Flash Drive or WeTransfer download
- Cash, Credit Card or Debit Card
Photos. Championships. Purchased Prior to Event Start
- Purchased at Sales Booth
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 100+ high resolution photos
- On USB Flash Drive or WeTransfer download
- Cash, Credit Card or Debit Card
Videos. Championships. Purchased Prior to Event Start
- Purchased at Sales Booth
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 4- High Definition video files
- On USB Flash Drive or WeTransfer download
- Cash, Credit Card or Debit Card

Photos & Videos. Championships. After Event - Booth or Online
- Purchased Online
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 100+ high resolution photos
- 4- High Definition video files
- Order ready ASAP
- WeTransfer download via email
- Download high-rez files to your phone, device or computer
- Debit Card or Credit Card
Photos. Championships. After Event - Booth or Online
- Purchased Online
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 100+ high resolution photos
- Order ready ASAP
- WeTransfer download via email
- Download high-rez files to your phone, device or computer
- Debit Card or Credit Card
Videos. Championships. After Event - Booth or Online
- Purchased Online
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 4- High Definition video files
- Order ready ASAP
- WeTransfer download via email
- Download high-rez files to your phone, device or computer
- Debit Card or Credit Card

Post-Event Gallery Request
10.00 Admin Fee
- Requested made online (Parents ONLY)
- Use the Contact Us Form
- We create a private low-resolution thumbnail-Image Gallery
- Coverage of 4-routines
- 100-200 photos available
- 4 videos available (no pre-view online)
- If you decide to purchase, Final Order Link is made available
- Download direct to your computer
- ActionPix Regular Price is applies to Images and Videos Ordered
- Admin Fee is discounted off your Order
- Credit Card. Secure Online Payment

ActionPix Coverage note:

  • During Women’s Artist Gymnastics (WAG), Ontario Competitive Program (OCP)  season, we cover selected Invitational Qualifiers & Competitions. At these events we cover 3-routines for each athlete: floor exercise, balance beam, and uneven bars. (Vault is not covered, due to light intensity not being sufficient in most sponsoring clubs and many small venues)
  • During WAG Tour Selections & Championships, we cover all 4-routines for each athlete: floor exercise, balance beam, uneven bars, and vault